Transparent Pricing, No Surprises

Your monthly cost is the posted plan price plus taxes
Potential one-time costs are listed below
Fee Price (excludes GST & PST) Applies to
Activation Fee $49.95 Service activation, not refundable
Non-WiFi Modem Deposit $100 (refundable) Eqiptment rental deposit (Refundable). To be refunded when cancelling service.
WiFi Router Deposit $100 (refundable) Eqiptment rental deposit (Refundable). To be refunded when cancelling service.
WiFi Modem Deposit $200 (refundable) Eqiptment rental deposit (Refundable). To be refunded when cancelling service.
Service Move $49.95 Moving service location
Plan Change $10 Changing service speed
Equipment Shipping $15 Shipping equipment to/from customer
Reconnection $49.95 Service disconnected due to nonpayment.