Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing JUCE!
By using or subscribing to any of JUCE's services, you agree to the following terms of service. These Terms of Service constitute the understanding between JUCE ("we" or "our") and the customer ("you" or "your") subscribing to all or any of our services. By subscribing or using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to these Terms of Services as set out below.

If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Service or any modifications which may be made by JUCE from time to time (as described in the following paragraph) do not activate or use our services and immediately contact JUCE.


1. All our services are provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranties or conditions of any kind. We do not guarantee that our services will be uninterrupted and available at all times. Under no circumstances shall JUCE, its officers, Directors, Employees, affiliates be liable for any harm, damages, expenses, loss of profits or opportunities that are caused through the use or reliance on our services, regardless of cause.

2. JUCE is committed to the health and safety of our employees. We do not tolerate abusive behavior and harassment toward our employees or agents including on the phone and in email communications. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who, in the sole judgment of JUCE, abuse, harass, threaten or act unreasonably toward our employees or agents. Examples of abusive behavior which we do not tolerate include but is not limited to, threat of physical harm, racist remarks, sexual hints, sexual remarks making our staff feeling uncomfortable, verbal harassment, vulgar/foul or indecent language.

3. Your account is intended to be used by the household or business who is registered to the account. It is not intended for resale or transfer to any other person.

4. The internet is a public network and as a result we do not guarantee that any communication or use of our services is secure or protected from interception by unauthorized individuals. Also be aware that some content, products or services available on the internet may be offensive and may not comply with local laws. We do not attempt to censor, control or monitor any such content or activity and you must assume total responsibility and risk for using the internet.

5. Unlimited usage is provided under fair use basis, and JUCE reserves the right to terminate service it deems abusing our unlimited service. Fair use means that customer is to use the service in fair manner consistent with normal residential/small business/office use. JUCE reserves the right to terminate service immediately and without advance notice if, in the sole judgment of JUCE, the customer is in violation of this condition and abusing our unlimited service.

6. We accept all major credit cards for recurring payments. Services are billed in advance and due on receipt for all accounts or due on 15, 30 day terms for qualified customers subject to our approval. Accounts that are more than a month past due may be cancelled and subject to $85 collection fee. All reconnection requests for accounts disconnected for overdue balance are subject to $85 reconnection fee. Account reconnection requests are subject to our review and approval, and we reserve the right to refuse to reconnect service due to negative payment history.

7. You have the right to cancel our service at any time for any reason. Your cancellation will be effective on the date the disconnection request is processed by the incumbent carrier that JUCE relies on, typically the next business day. However, we reserve the right to immediately suspend, restrict, or cancel services if you breach any terms of this policy or if your account is past due.

8. On cancellation of services, it is the subscriber's sole responsibility to return rented units to JUCE within 15 days. Returned equipment must be in normal wear and working condition. JUCE will provide a Canada Post link for creating a prepaid shipping label. Failure to return the modem will result in forfeiture of the equipment deposit.

9. The activation fee of $49.95 plus tax is non-refundable. This fee covers the costs associated with order processing, equipment shipping, and technician visits if required. The fee applies each time the service is activated.

10. The 12-month promotional discount is exclusively available to new customers who have never previously subscribed to JUCE services. It can only be used once per customer. If a customer cancels their service within the initial 12-month promotional period and later re-subscribes to JUCE, regular pricing will apply. The new customer promotional discount cannot be reinstated or reapplied after service is canceled.

11. You may not use our service to do any of following

  • hack, attack or attempt to cause damage to any network;
  • knowingly transmit a virus, trojan or other harmful software program;
  • distribute unsolicited bulk email (spam);
  • distribute copyrighted material for which you are not authorized;

12. We reserve the right to suspend or discontinue the Service generally, or to disconnect your Service, at any time in our sole and absolute discretion. If we discontinue the Service generally, or disconnect your Service without a stated reason, you will only be responsible for charges accrued through the date of disconnection, including a pro-rated portion of the final Service Term charges. If your Service is disconnected on account of your breach of any provision of this Agreement, you will be responsible for all charges through the end of the current Service Term, including unbilled charges, plus the disconnection fee, if applicable, all of which will immediately be due and payable.

13. Suspension or termination of services by JUCE. Without incurring any liability whatsoever, JUCE may suspend or terminate any or all of the Services for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, where Subscriber:

  • Fails to pay an account that is past due, or provides payment by cheque or credit card which is not honored by Subscriber's bank;
  • Fails to provide or maintain a reasonable deposit or alternate security when requested to do so by JUCE;
  • Fails to meet JUCE’s credit requirements, or Subscriber becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent;
  • Uses or permits others to use the Services for a purpose or in a manner that is contrary to law; or for the purpose of making harassing, threatening, abusive, annoying or offensive calls;
  • Charges or allow others to charge any other person for the use of the Services without JUCE’s prior written agreement;
  • Harasses, threatens or otherwise act unreasonably towards JUCE, its employees or agents, or in relation to the Services;
  • Uses or permits others to use the Services for resell
  • Abuses the network with excessive usage as may be determined by JUCE. Excessive usage shall be determined solely by JUCE;
  • Uses or permits others to use the service for commercial or business use.

14. We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions of this agreement or any service provided. Notices will be considered given and effective on the date posted on www.juce.ca. Your continued use of our services following such notice is your acceptance of such modifications. The Terms as and when posted supersedes all previous electronic and written terms of service.

Your use of our services constitutes your acceptance of this agreement.